Eric Clapton Blackie Replica

Main Menuレリック道 -The Way of RELIC
Yajima String Works


Eric Clapton Blackie Replica – SOLD

My first try for the Blackie replica project. This one was for my customer.
Off-center join 2pc alder body and Musikraft neck.

If I can believe the picture of the Christie’s auction catalog, some parts of the bear wood next to the black paint are lighter than other parts. (which i think is reasonable) To duplicate that look, I put Micro-Mark’s masking liquid to cover those areas before relicling even further. 

Off-center join 2pc alder body & Musikraft neckです。


The fretboard is really dirty. I don’t like to relic this much but this was a replica project so I had no choice..


 I thought the Fender Custom Shop’s replica in the making video was impressive but that goes only for that “show” model. Their street models were nothing like that…

Custom Shopのブラッキーのメイキングビデオを見て「お、初めてFenderがまともなレリック造ったよ」って感心したのに、残念ながらあのクオリティのはビデオ撮影用、SHOW出品用のあの一本だけでした。実際に売りに出されたブラッキーはいつものようにXXな出来でしたね・・



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